Banish Burnout, End Overwhelm.

Learn to thrive when everything seems to be falling apart.

Does turning on the news these days make you want to crawl in a cave?

Are you still waiting for the new normal, or are you hanging on to hopes of the old normal?

Does it feel like the obstacles are piling up and you just can’t win?

Are you playing the hustle game, burning the candle at both ends, stuck on the hamster wheel?

You might be waiting for it all to stop so you can catch a breath, allow yourself to relax, maybe even plan for a bright future.

Here’s the thing, you can learn how to have that bright future in the present, without feeling guilty about feeling good when there’s suffering all around you…

When YOU thrive, it’s contagious. What the world needs more than ever is an army of thriving people.

The fast-track to thriving is learning to handle life’s challenges from a more positive mindset, with less stress. When this happens, you’re mentally fit.

It’s easy to get distracted by the toxicity out in the world, but until you clean up the toxicity in your mind, you’re stuck in a self-sabotaging cycle of anxiety, overwhelm and burnout.

The good news - there’s breakthrough, research-based tools that help you strengthen the part of the brain that serves you and quiet the part that sabotages you.

© 2022 Positive Intelligence. All Rights Reserved.

Hi, I’m Lisa.

I used to be stuck in a cycle of overwhelming self-doubt, anxiety and burnout.

If there is one thing I’ve learned, it’s that our biggest barriers are our own self-sabotaging behaviors.

And when we expect willpower and inspiration alone to keep us committed to the changes we so desperately want, we disappoint ourselves over and over again.

There IS a path of ease and flow to sustained change.

It’s based on breakthrough research.
It’s incremental and actionable.
And It easily fits into your crazy busy daily life.

Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don’t build habits that develop our mental fitness.

Sustained change towards a more positive mind requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice.

Too often, we have plenty of insight and aha’s and no capacity to incorporate them into our lives!

We’re self-aware up to our eyeballs.

All that self-awareness gets trapped in our head and our monkey mind spins up even faster!

When you’re mentally fit, you stop the endless cycle of relying on willpower, which is an exhaustible resource. Really—this has been proved in scientific studies.

Instead, you discover a state of flow as you learn to strengthen the part of your brain that serves you and quiet the part that sabotages you.

12-Week Master Your Mind Program

Build Powerful Habits for a Positive Mind

  • Boost your Self Command.

    Put yourself in charge of your brain through innovative 10-second “PQ” Reps.

  • Intercept the Judge.

    Discover how judging yourself, others, and circumstances is a key source of stress - which significantly impacts your wellbeing, your relationships and your performance.

  • Intercept your Inner Critic Choir.

    Expose your limiting beliefs and negative patterns to discover how they are hijacking everything you want.

  • Make the Powerful Shift.

    When you shift from self-sabotaging behaviors into “Sage” behaviors, you learn to achieve what you desire through a calm and clear mind.

  • Boost your Superpowers.

    When you activate and combine the five superpowers residing in your brain, you tap into the emotional intelligence that is critical to your success in life.

  • Get in the Zone.

    Learn to act without fear, without emotional distraction (even in the midst of crisis), and step into your genius zone.


“The gift of our work together has been one of complete grace. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have worked with Lisa. Her mastery, clarity and passion really lit a spark within me, and brought such clarity for me in so many ways. The PQ training has — and will continue to be — a priceless gift and resource that ripples out in the most impactful ways. I know for sure now that I have the opportunity to not only play a much bigger game, but also a much more impactful one. I’m so very grateful that our paths have crossed.”

— L.M.

If you’re ready to master your mind and build your resilience so you can create a life you love, grab a spot on my calendar for your free Mindset Mastery Consult.

Here’s what we’ll do in our 45 minutes together:

✔️ We’ll explore your unique assessment-based profile of how you self-sabotage.
✔️ We’ll uncover your top triggers.
✔️ We’ll reveal your strengths that are actually unique to the way you self-sabotage.
✔️ Easy-peasy resource for intercepting those self-sabotaging thoughts and feelings!
✔️ Answer your questions about my upcoming 12-Week Master Your Mind Program.

Imagine yourself resilient, calm, and stress-free, even in the midst of handling all that you do!

© 2022 Positive Intelligence. All Rights Reserved.

Included in the 12-Week Mindset Mastery Program:

  • 7 weekly training videos designed to teach you how to dramatically boost your mental fitness within 6 weeks.

  • The powerful Positive Intelligence® App with daily guided exercises based on the weekly videos, designed to build your mental muscles, and help you easily incorporate mental fitness into a busy life.

  • 12 weekly small group coaching sessions with me via Zoom.

  • One private coaching session with me to tailor and target your desired outcomes and goals.

  • An online community gives you the option to learn and share your experience with people from around the world.

I offer this powerful 12-Week Master Your Mind Program only twice per year!

Our next session starts Fall 2024.
Are you in?

“Lisa is a gifted and amazing guide, healer and transformational coach who connects deeply with her clients, is gentle and allows you to touch tender places that are calling to be healed.”

- Elizabeth A.


“This is the thing I really didn’t know…”

Check out my interview with a highly regarded and respected Marriage and Family Therapist--and a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction expert--about her experience in the Master Your Mind program I offered to her.

"What a surprise! As a clinician for 20 years, I had no idea that by sitting down for 5 minutes and simply giving my brain a boost with the PQ Program that I could attain this much PEACE in my life."



  • Positive Intelligence® (PQ), developed by New York Times bestselling author and Stanford lecturer Shirzad Chamine, is a measure of mental fitness. Mental fitness is a person’s capacity to respond to life’s challenges with a positive rather than negative mindset, and impacts peak performance, clarity of mind and wellness, and healthy relationships. Breakthrough research with 500,000 participants has shown PQ to be the best predictor of how happy a person is and how well they perform relative to their potential. The work of Shirzad is a synthesis of the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science and has resulted in a powerful six-week training method that I am licensed to provide to my circle of clients. The PQ mental fitness program combines weekly video sessions and an exclusive App that guides you step-by-step over the course of a six-week period to boost the three core muscles of mental fitness. The increased grey matter in the “Sage” region of the brain is visible in MRI imaging within eight weeks and the experience is often described as life-changing. I combine the power of this program with twelve weekly coach-led small group sessions to amplify your results.

  • This is the right program for you if you are a) committed to reducing your stress and anxiety and living and working at your full potential, b) looking for a science-based and trusted system to make it stick, and c) willing to put in the initial effort to rewire years of mental habits that don’t serve you.

  • Some people believe that negative emotions are helpful. For example, they think stress gives them their performance edge, or beating themselves or others up is helpful for continual improvement.

    Feeling pain for a split second when your hand touches a hot stove is indeed useful, delivering an important alert. But your self-sabotaging thoughts keep your hand on the hot stove, and you continue to feel negative emotions which harm both your happiness and performance.

    In this program we learn to use negative emotions as a helpful alert, and then quickly shift to the positive region of the brain that has the calm clarity, objectivity, and creativity to handle the challenge most effectively.

  • You’ll meet once a week for 12 weeks in small group sessions (pods) led by me. We establish a powerful community of safety, deep trust, support and accountability. Group size is 6 people maximum.

    You’ll be committing to watching a 1-hour video once per week (for the 1st seven weeks) and doing a combined total of 15 minutes per day of practice guided by the Positive Intelligence app exclusively designed for this program.

    This might sound like a lot of time. In fact, cumulatively, it constitutes less than 3% of your awake time for the duration of the program. Please consider that your self-sabotaging patterns are costing you far more than 3% of your time, effort, energy, and productivity. Consider how much more than 3% of time and productivity this 12-week investment will save for years to come.

  • We start the week announced. Once signups close, we’ll use a poll to establish a weekly date and time to meet. My clients swiftly become dedicated to attending every live session. In the event you may need to miss a session, I will provide a recording.

  • I bet you’re curious about the investment! I use the word investment rather than cost intentionally. This is hands down one the BEST investments I’ve ever made in myself. I don’t post the investment because I’m constantly adjusting packages, and this is a packaged training program.

    If you’re not ready to get on a call with me, you can click the “Join the Waitlist” button below, which will bring you to my email address. Let me know you’re interested and I can send you more details. Even better, grab a spot on my calendar for your free Mental Fitness Consult!

Shift the balance in your mind.

Experience immediate and sustained improvements in both your wellbeing and performance.

© 2022 Positive Intelligence, LLC. All rights reserved. No reproduction, alteration, translation, publication or distribution, inanyform, printedor electronic, is permitted without the express prior written consent of Positive Intelligence, LLC. POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE®, PQ®, PQ COACH™, CERTIFIED PQ COACH™, and P+ logo™are trademarks of Positive Intelligence,LLC. DISCLAIMERS: Thecoach identified herein is an independent member of the PQ Coach program, and not an employee, agent or representative of Positive Intelligence, LLC. The coaching program offered herein is independently owned and operated by the coach, and is not affiliated with or endorsed or sponsored by Positive Intelligence, LLC. PROGRAM CONTENT AND MATERIAL DO NOT CONSTITUTE MEDICAL OR MENTAL HEALTH ADVICE AND ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONAL CARE, DIAGNOSIS OR TREATMENT OF ANY MEDICAL OR MENTAL HEALTH CONDITION.