Are you exhausted by the voice of your inner critic?
What People Are Saying
“With Lisa’s clarity and compassion, she created a gathering where I could cultivate my own vision for a balanced life, understand how to embrace my fears and use them a gift to further sow the seeds of my vision for my life. The journey meditation gave me the opportunity to experience what is truly important to me and bring this forward into my life. It is amazing to me how my life changed during that two hours of our time together. Thank you Lisa.”
— Monica J.
“Lisa is a gifted and amazing guide, healer and transformational coach who connects deeply with her clients, is gentle and allows you to touch tender places that are calling to be healed.”
— Elizabeth B.
“Lisa led our group through a beautiful journey experience that was very deep and insightful for me. The elements blended together seamlessly to form a sacred container allowing me to go deeper into myself. When it came time to share with the group, I was initially feeling resistant as I'd had such a deep and vulnerable experience, but upon hearing some of the other participants share first, I felt comfortable sharing my art and experience as well. One thing I especially loved about the journey experience is that I was able to continue elements of it in my own morning routine.”
— Ursa S.
“Lisa holds space with deep presence. She is a truly gifted guide who has a strong desire to help others find their true selves. She is generous, courageous, open hearted and I highly recommend a journey experience with Lisa. Just do it!”
— Hazel M.
“That was AMAZING! Fan-freaking-tastic, in fact. So great to be a part of your love bubble.”
— Jennifer D.
“Lisa was a wonderful guide for this journey into myself, she was sensitive to the different levels in the room. I wasn't anticipating the impact this would have… it was physical and emotional. After the experience I felt clear and energized.”
— Patricia P.
Where are we going on our Journey?
The “where” is inward to an expanded state of consciousness. We can access expanded states in so many different ways, through visualizations, meditation, runner’s high, intuitive art, dance, and breathwork. Sacred plant medicines and synthetic psychedelics also offer us the gift of expanded consciousness.
Ultimately, expanded states of consciousness teach us about surrender because regardless of the modality, our normal defenses, self-protection and control mechanisms are encouraged to relax. In this state of surrender, we expand our consciousness to areas that are normally held in unconscious state. As we spend time in this realm, we are released for a while from the confines of thinking that is based in logic and practicality. The messages we receive through these realms, from our inner sage, inform us about what is unique, authentic and sacred to each of us. And when integrate and heed these messages, we learn to follow the path of our soul’s evolution.
Journey Experience Circles | $57 each
2-hour Zoom sessions filled with creativity, joy and nourishment in a safe and confidential circle of like-minded seekers where we’ll breathe life into a theme of a return to wholeness and fully expressed and embodied lives.
Small, intimate group with 12 seekers max. Some of the time will be spent in solo reflection, some in community and/or partner reflection.
Each Journey Experience session will include focused intention on one aspect of a balanced life — Body, Mind, Spirit, Community, Environment. Sign up for 1 or more or all 5 sessions to work with all 5 aspects!
Upcoming Dates Posting Soon!
Curious, but not sure? I’m happy to answer your questions!
Introduction, Preparation & Opening Circle
30-Minute Music Journey
Integration using Art for Access™ method
Stream of Consciousness Free Write
Council and Partner Breakouts
Closing Circle
Supplies You’ll Need
Private space
Blanket and/or Pillow, or a comfortable spot for sitting or lying down
Sketch pad or drawing paper
Art medium that allows flexibility. Pencils are not ideal. Crayons and simple water color sets work!
Journal or writing paper
Sleep eye mask
Chalk pastels
Ear buds or headphones
Paid Spotify account
How is Journeying different than traditional Meditation?
Traditional meditation allows you to build the capacity to observe your conscious thoughts. Journeys allow you to enter another amazing mind state where you can directly face your subconscious and work with it. According to shamanic beliefs, our physical ordinary reality is not the only one - there is another “non-ordinary” reality where our spirit dwells. Any healing or problem resolution that ignores one of the two realities is incomplete and thus prone to failure or recurrence. Just as your body needs healing when you are sick, so does your spirit. Just as a problem you’ve encountered needs you to take action in the ordinary world, so there is a need for action to be taken in non-ordinary reality.
What are Expanded Consciousness States or Non-Ordinary States?
These two terms are often used interchangeably, however I believe that non-ordinary states is subjective. One person’s “ordinary” state might be “non-ordinary” for another.
Dreams, symbols, archetypes, epiphanies, and visions emanate from within the subconscious, the source of creativity, inspiration, inner knowing, interconnectedness, and spiritual enlightenment. Within the subconscious realm reality shifts and expands, creating a matrix that is far more elastic and multi-dimensional than is perceived by the conscious mind. When we expand our consciousness and spend time within this realm, we are released for a while from the confines of thinking that is based in logic and practicality. The messages we receive through these realms, from our inner sage, inform us about what is unique, authentic, and sacred to each of us. When we heed these messages we are, in essence, following the path of our soul’s evolution.
What is Integration?
Integration is the process of bringing separate elements together into a whole. For our purposes, it it the art of weaving the extraordinary into the ordinary — interpreting a journey’s mythic and symbolic layers, revealing its gifts and treasures, and anchoring them into our lives. If we do not commit to tending the living, evolving process that is our life, no one will. When we commit to the process of integration, we honor the transformation that has occurred.
What is Shadow Work?
Different experts have different definitions, but here is a collection: The shadow is a psychological term for everything we can’t see in ourselves. Every human has a shadow side. Shadow work is how to contact, get to know and integrative this “dark” side. It is a practice that helps us become whole and works on the premise that you must own this side of you, rather than avoiding it or repressing it, to experience deep healing.
I believe we hold light in our shadows as well, those beautiful traits of ourselves that we cannot see. The famous Marianne Williamson quote speaks of this: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?….”
Effects of shadow work repression/avoidance may include:
Confusion about who your are and what you want
Feeling disassociated, disconnected or numb
Being destructive when in the grip of emotion
Unfulfilling relationships
Spiritual bypassing
Benefits of shadow work include increased capacity for empathy for self and others and the cultivation of internal stability and safety, causing us to react less severely to triggers and to be less susceptible to destructive behaviors. This work greatly impacts our perceived need to create excess external stability through overly controlling behaviors, and to adapt to the uncontrollable nature of life.
What is the Art for Access™ method?
My mentor, Integration expert Jennifer Allen, developed the Art for Access™ process as a way to use art and writing to tap into other ways of knowing. When applied to expanded consciousness states, it works as an extension of the journey, bridging the less conscious expanded state into our consensual reality with a more familiar expanded state of creativity. We source from the key journey experiences to sketch the flavor of visual experience or create from a felt sense, trusting it show itself through color, line and shape. There are brief periods to sketch initially, in order to get things on paper before the judging ego-mind takes the wheel, then we move into a deeper exploration of the sketch.